Monday, December 31, 2018

Ohhh, NOW I Get It! (A "Short Shorts"/"Grammar Nazi" Post)

1. A couple of weeks or so ago, the USA's President Trump came in for some teasing on Twitter after posting a Tweet using the term “Boarder Wall” to refer to his proposed border wall on the US/Mexican... uhhh... border. You know, the one that he says will stop illegal immigration... because everybody knows that almost all illegal immigrants in the USA are Mexicans, right? And this wall will completely secure our boarder... errr, border.

He made this mistake twice.

Or was it a mistake? Y'see, despite all the Tweets ridiculing his alleged misspelling, and despite this very entertaining article, I'm going to give the prez the benefit of the doubt and say he meant just that. Boarder.

Here's my theory. Perhaps the biggest (loudest?) of Trump's promises during his campaign for president was that he was going to have a wall built and that Mexico would pay for it.

So here's what I think he's going to do. ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement), or the INS (United States Immigration and Naturalization Service), or... whoever... is going to round up all of the illegal immigrants (and as stated above, almost every damned one of 'em is a Mexican) and force them all to work (for free) on constructing his wall. So, in effect, Mexico will be paying for it.

Those illegal Mexican immigrants will be allowed to stay in the United States only as long as it takes them to build Trump's wall, after which they'll be deported to Mexico. (And since the wall will indeed be completed by then, we know they'll never be able to come back.) While they're living here, we'll house them for free, but we'll still consider them "boarders."

Therefore, the wall will be – say it with me – a “boarder wall.”

(And by the way, when I say “all of the illegal immigrants” I mean every able-bodied adult among them, male and female. Not their children, of course.

Which is a good thing, cuz they probably can't even find those poor kids at this point.)

1a. By the way, the second article I linked to above – "Your President Is a Dullard Who Confuses Homophones" – contains this great quote that I wish I had written myself: There’s nothing like seeing a great meme on Facebook or Twitter and being unwilling to share it because the person put “there” when they meant “their” or “your” when they meant “you’re” or “hear” when they meant “here” or some such nonsense. It is a frustrating daily occurrence on the internet, and even the “president” of the United States is not immune from it.

Oh, and I didn't call the article “great” just because it included a sentence I might have said.

1b. When I tried, once again, to find the article I just quoted from, I threw the terms "Donald Trump," "Boarder Wall," and "confused homophones" into the search box... and I learned that a disturbingly large amount of articles online use the word "homophone" to talk about people who don't like gays. Really? Seriously? I would have thought that anyone even familiar with the word "homophone" would be above making that sort of mistake. I guess not.

2. So, President Trump is talking about bringing the troops back from Syria, and maybe Afghanistan, and Lord knows where else by the time this article posts. And I know the real reason why. He's going to station every damned one of 'em in a huge circle around the White House, so when the FBI or whoever finally come to "get him," he'll be protected.

3. Tens of thousands of federal inmates will be released, according to this source and many others. And President Trump is evidently all for it.

Isn't this the guy who was so worried about all those Mexican criminals? Oh, wait. These are going to be "low-level" inmates, the type of criminal in minimum security prisons, or so-called "country club" prisons.

You know... the kinds of prisons guys like Donald Trump end up in.

4. Recently, NBC was accused of dispensing "Fake News" because they printed an article about the president which evidently was true when they printed it, but was rendered untrue by President Trump's actions only a few hours later. The situation is analyzed here.

I'm so sick of people -- especially DJT -- talking about "Fake News." The Prez seems to throw that term at anyone who doesn't think he's as wonderful as... well.. as he thinks he is.

In my tribute post to Bill Dana on June 21, 2017, I wrote:

At my flea market stand, one of the items I have for sale is the album pictured below, José Jimenez in Orbit (Bill Dana on Earth). Just last Sunday, my display of this LP prompted not one, but two conversations about Bill Dana. One was with a gentleman who assumed that Mr. Dana was dead, but I promptly corrected him, informing him that the comedian, now ninety-two, was still alive. And as far as I knew, I was right; the news outlets had yet to report that Bill Dana had died on Thursday, the 15th.

Was I lying? No, of course not.

To me, there's a big difference between lying and making a mistake. Even the news media shouldn't always be expected to get their stories straight. People make mistakes, even when they have the best of intentions.

And intent is what's at the heart of situations like these. If you ask a three-year-old "What's two and two?" and he says "Nine," is he lying? No. And if you ask him "What's six divided by three?" and he replies "Thursday?", again, is he lying?

I never received a test after it had been graded by a teacher where the teacher had written "Three wrong, David. You LIED THREE TIMES!"

That's not how it works.

The President, on the other hand? Lies constantly. Several times every day. Several times every day. There are websites devoted to counting all of his deliberate falsehoods. Their lists are staggering. And they only list the ones they know about.

It's like the old joke, "How do you know when a lawyer is lying?" "His lips are moving." The same could be said about Donald Trump.

5. I'm far from the only person to see a resemblance between Stephen Miller and Josef Goebbels. (Do a Google search, and you'll see.)

But they don't really resemble each other all that much.

It's not their looks I'm comparing, though. It's their general attitude, especially where immigrants are concerned, and where the power of the president is concerned as well. You'd never guess that Miller is descended from Jewish immigrants, would you? Well, read this article... written by his own uncle.

6. Okay, now you know why I so rarely do political posts.

7. And I promise I'll try to get better about following your posts, and soon!

8. And... Happy New Year!

Thanks for your time.

P.S. ~~ COMING SOON! (Watch for it!) A Re-Posting of One of the Best (and Longest) Stories I Ever Posted on This Blog!


  1. Jusssst finished this one before the library closed!

  2. Happy New Year Silver! Hopefully, 2019 will bring better days.

    1. Hope you have an outstanding year, too, True!

    2. Unrelated I rented Ant-Man & The Wasp. I thought of you and your comic posts. I really enjoyed this movie. The humor made me laugh and there were some great lines. I found it very entertaining. Haha a fun comical movie.

    3. I love the Ant-Man movies! They contain more humor than the average Marvel movie because... well... the guy shrinks to the size of an ant, for cryin' out loud!

    4. haha - it was a really fun movie...

      [to Pym; referring to the Wasp suit]
      Scott Lang: Hold on, you gave her wings?!

      love it! I need some wings Silver....

    5. I might just have some wings
      waiting to see what they might bring

  3. He is such a buffoon. Like a little child that throws a tantrum when he can't get his own way. That is a great way to look at the "fake news" crap too. Could write 50 posts on his stupidity and not even scratch the surface. Glad he's all yours.

    1. All ours? What, I can't convince you to take him?

  4. I give him no credit at all, not ever. Honesty, I always disliked him but now that he is the president I truly understand just how repulsive he can be, beyond my wildest dreams of any one person. I am wishing you a wonderful and Happy New Year!

    1. Actually, Karen, I think you're giving him a lot of credit just calling him a "person." Hope you have a great 2019, too.

  5. Trump is either lying or living in an alternate reality. I just hope he doesn't get re-elected in 2020. His dog and pony show is half over.

    1. Actually, he seems to be lying (constantly!) AND living in an alternate reality. As Rob Reiner said recently, “Only a sick f*** could read a legal filing that states he’s committed a federal crime and say he’s been totally cleared."

  6. Honestly I NEVER believe in him because I knew he was a lier, and you see.
    He is an awful and horrible man.

    1. You'll get no argument from me, Gloria!

    2. Really I never liked him, is the most horrible president US had. :(

    3. And maybe the most horrible person...

  7. Don't hold back or anything, Silver Fox! Just say it like it is! I'm sooooo tired of DJT. Let us hope for better in 2019 (not from him obviously) but from other people in gov'ment.

    1. Well, I rarely get political on this blog, but T. Rump seems to find a new way to piss me off on a daily basis.

  8. I'd been fairly current with all of his major spelling errors (if that's possible), I thought. I didn't know about the "boarder," though. I hate him more and more by the second.

    I wrote new song lyrics (so far, for only one line). It goes like this: "All in all, he's just another prick with no wall." Thought you might like that one.

    Be well and here's to a year that sees him fighting desperately, and with good reason, to stay relevant.

    1. You thought I might like it? Well, sorry, but I don't.

      I LOVE it!

      Had that tune (with your line) running through my mind all day.

      We don't need no im-mi-gration...

    2. We don't need no Trump Control

      now, this song is running through my head

    3. It's been running through mine, too, True. Thanks a lot, Robyn! Ha.

  9. Well, it doesn't look like the 'boarder wall' is happening - whichever way the President chooses to spell it. As far as I am concerned, the real value DJT has added is in showing what a perfectly polished gentleman George W Bush was! And at least he could spell 'axis of evil' correctly.

    I'm so bone-deep exhausted with self-serving, whimsical, narrow-minded, immature, hypocritical leaders, and I'm not talking about just DJT.

    'We're all just passing time and occupy our chair very briefly.' ~ Sir John Hurt.

    1. I loved it back in 2017, when Will Ferrell (in his occasional role as George W.Bush) asked Samantha Bee's audience "How do you like me now?" Simple line, but it spoke volumes, didn't it? G.W. must be sitting at home grinning every time he watches the news. "See that, Laura? Nobody's called me the 'worst president ever' for almost two years!"


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