Saturday, December 8, 2018


I've been very busy lately. And then, I got sick. (Nothing serious, so don't worry.) I'm not sure when I'll be back to posting, and visiting your blogs. 

I'm just telling you all that because I've been pretty good about posting a couple of times a week for a while now.

Thanks for your time.

P.S. ~~ COMING SOON! (Watch for it!) A Re-Posting of One of the Best (and Longest) Stories I Ever Posted on This Blog!


  1. It may be a while before I answer any comments that you leave here, too. Just sayin'.

  2. Well as long as no germs come with this post on not posting, we're good as we comment on the post about not posting.

    Hopefully they go away soon.

  3. Hmmmm... Too bad I'm not up that way anymore. I'm planning to make a big pot of chicken soup tomorrow. It's good for what ails you. I'll waft some of the vapors in your direction.

    1. I wish I had the energy to make some of my own chicken soup. Nice'n'spicy! Cures almost anything.

  4. Hi Silver

    Be well, I will miss you! I have been sick as well. I hope you are able to enjoy some holiday magic!

  5. I thought there might be something going on, simply because you're so faithful about visiting my blog and I hadn't seen you around.

    Rest up and feel better soon! Sleep is often the best medicine.

    1. Well, I've been doing a lot of that lately. I've only been to the library two or three times in the last eight or nine days!

  6. I'm sorry to hear you're unwell. Feel better soon!

    I've been very irregular online too - lots of stuff happening off line. But all caught up now. Enjoyed reading your post on Stan Lee and potential Chaplin inspiration! How cool!

    1. Thanks. Glad to see you've been visiting various posts.


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