Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Aren't YOU Nice?

Okay. You're driving in traffic. Someone wants to pull out of a parking lot or side road. You stop to let him out, just to be polite.

You drive a little farther. Someone else wants to pull out of a parking lot or side road. You stop to let him out, just to be polite.

You drive a little farther. Someone else wants to pull out of a parking lot or side road. You stop to let him out, just to be polite.

Do you really want to be polite to someone? Try being polite to me, the guy in the car behind you! I'm gonna be late for a freakin' appointment, thanks to you and your freakin' politeness!!!


*sigh* Thanks for your time.

P.S. ~~ Coming very soon, I promise! My posts about this year's TerrifiCon!


  1. Ugh, I have had that happen to me a time or ten. Then it puts me back about 10 car lengths.

    Looking forward to your post.


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