Saturday, April 6, 2019

A Body of Work? ~~ A "Grammar Nazi" Post!

I know, I know, I'm always complaining about spelling and grammar errors that I find, and this time's no exception. They wrote "body's" when they meant "bodies." But cut me some slack this time. I am deservedly outraged, because this mistake was in the 2008 edition of the Writer's Market!

Thanks for your time.


  1. It always seems to me that spelling and usage errors count double when they're on a site or in a journal or magazine that teaches or promotes writing skills. Grrr.

    1. I agree with you completely... of course. It makes sense to hold them to a higher standard.

  2. Well, it makes me wonder who was proof reading or editing? I guess you can put that one to rest. Haha

  3. ‘Ouch’ I thought it was humorous.. rip.. stiff..what happens to bodies after death? Eternal rest.., okay, not so funny...

  4. Went to a church retreat with a bunch of women from my church. There was the huge requisite stack of tee and sweatshirts. the theme written on these were: Leaving legacys of Life.

    As a teacher, I commented on this to another lady "Should I say something?" No. Bought one, could not bring myself to wear it.

    1. That sounds like something I'd do. Support the cause, but not showcase the mistakes of others on my chest.

  5. Yes, you are most certainly deservedly outraged!

  6. I HATE HATE HATE stupid typos like that. Back then, there weren't even outsourcing to non-English first countries. Oy.

    Happy weekend, Silver.

  7. What a daft mistake to make. I feel your outrage. :)

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

    1. As discussed above, it was the source of the error that was particularly frustrating!

  8. A great catch, but we all make mistakes, it’s just that higher up the ladder we are, the further we fall.

    1. Right. It's not so much that the mistake was made, but where the mistake was made.


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