Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Third Date "Rule"

In tonight's post (Or today's post. I know when I'm scheduling it to post, but how do I know when you'll be reading this?!?) I'll be discussing the so-called "Third Date Rule." (I also should mention that some sources refer to a Fifth Date Rule, claiming that the latter has superseded the former sometime during the last three years or so.)

Anyway, if you're unfamiliar with this rather odd concept, it says that the third date is the one on which a new couple is expected to sleep together for the first time. Well, that's all well and good, I suppose, but there are so many variables in a relationship, I think the whole idea of a "rule" for the first sexual encounter between two people is rather preposterous.

So here's a couple of questions for my readers:

Do you have a third (or fifth) date rule?

If so, let's say you're dating someone whom you like enough to continue dating, but as of the second date, you don't feel comfortable enough with him (or her*) to sleep with him. So what do you do on the third date? Sleep with him anyway, because you've already committed yourself to this nonsensical rule? Or refuse to date this person a third time, to avoid being forced (by your own stupid rule) to have sex? And if you say you'll make an exception to your rule... well, it's not really a rule, then, is it?

*I don't know if "her" applies, since I don't know if any guys have a third date rule. Most guys would jump into bed at the first opportunity. And I'm a guy, so I can't justifiably be called sexist for saying that. Or can I?

Just curious. I've never dated anyone who had such a rule.

(And by the way, the above illustration is placed there in reference to "getting over the hump," so to speak, and not in reference to "getting humped!" This is a classy blog, don'tcha know!)

Thanks for your time.


  1. I've never heard of this rule and don't really live by rules anyway.


  2. Hahahaaaaaa. I failed at that rule but rules are made to be broken.

  3. Rules? Rules? We don't need no steenkin' rules!

  4. Pfffft screw that. No rules for me. Never even heard of such a rule either, but then it has been almost 2 years since I dated lol

    1. I don't think much of it, either. Not sure how popular it is.

  5. Scrap the rules! can't date/take someone to bed by numbers or rules...don't think you should anyways, :)

    1. Very calculating indeed. Seems like the more vocal segment of my readership agrees with me.

  6. Rules related to relationships and dating are just stupid.
    I've only ever heard of this rule in relation to females anyway. As in - shes a slut if she sleeps with him on the first date, or a tease if she waits longer than three.This is totally not okay! These sexist, unrealistic rules for women need to be done away with! *moan, moan, moan*
    Throw them all out the window and laugh as they fall!

    I think it all depends on how both parties are feeling and what their personalities are like in the 'bedroom' respect anyway!
    Theres no 'one size fits all' when it comes to dating.

    1. Yes, I agree totally! Everyone's different. "Rules" for women and men should be ignored.

      Incidentally, I've done a little bit of research since I wrote this post, and found out that a different sort of Third Date Rule also exists for men, namely, "If she doesn't sleep with you by the third date, dump her." I think that's even more idiotic and objectionable.

      Welcome to my blog, by the way. I don't think you've commented before, have you?

    2. Oh, I haven't heard that one for men before! Just as stupid and throw-out-the-windowable!

      I haven't commented before, no. I somehow foudn you through looking at a-z blogs for this year, but I see that you're not taking part.
      Happy to be here anyway though!

  7. "Throw-out-the-windowable?" Love that.

  8. I haven't had a date in over thirty years but never had a number at which I thought I had to have sex. Crazy as a guy thinking he has it coming if he spends over x number of dollars on a date.

    1. I love this. All my readers are agreeing with me that it's a stupid rule.


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