I'm busy.
I'm tired.
I'm gradually developing "Blogger-blogger Apathy."
Take your pick.
Whatever the reason, this blog's taken a very low priority in the general scheme of things lately.
So it goes.
Having said that: Since I haven't posted anything in over a week, in lieu of any new stories... or any new Sepia Saturday entries... or any pithy comments in the "David'Z RantZ" vein -- although in that latter instance, "pithed-off" might be more appropriate -- I'm going to leave you with two related videos from the (occasional?) Australian comedy team of John Clarke and Bryan Dawe. The first is on the subject of the BP oil "spill" situation. ("Spill" seems to be a stupid, inadequate way to describe what's actually happening in the Gulf of Mexico, though, dunnit?)
(Hey! They stole my "Thanks for your time" sign-off!)
The above routine was actually based on a sketch by the same team from 1991, when a similar situation developed closer to (their) home. I think this one's even funnier.
Yup, there's a lot of publicity about this disastrous, ongoing calamity. Hell, even Pleasantview, Alabama's own Dewey Mellen -- that idiot -- has finally heard about it!
Thanks for your time.