Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

 Today's letter is S.

 S is for SHUT UP!

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the phrase "shut up" is being taken far too seriously nowadays? I mean, sure, it's rude, but come on! Lighten up!
(Click here if you want to see a really long piece about those two words, from my old David'Z RantZ blog!) 
Thanks for your time.


  1. Yeah it is taken far too seriously, but then people take offense to everything now a days

  2. I love "shut up." I'm not really sure how people can get so offended at so many things, but I find it tiresome. If I am serious about wanting someone to be quiet, you can bet they're going to hear a lot more words from me.

    And yes, of course this reminds me of an old Simpsons episode when Lenny and Carl join the secret society and keep telling each other to "shuuutttt uuupppp" when Homer is eavesdropping.

    1. Hm. Never saw that episode, otherwise I wouldn't have included even the smallest Simpson reference so soon after my last one.

  3. That phrase was forbidden in my house growing up. Now that I have kids of my own, I understand why. I have nothing against it, but I find variations like "can it" or "shut your facehole" more humorous. :)

    1. I can also understand why people don't want their kids using it.

  4. well alrighty then...i will.
    def not allowed in my house....

  5. Yeah, like David said, I'm not against it, but the kids are definitely not allowed to say it. There's a need for different words depending on the situations we find ourselves in, rude or not, if used wisely it can have great effect. Like right now, if you tell me to shut up, well...I will. :P

  6. My kids can say it. They are so good about everything else I don't begrudge them a 'shut up'.

    Brandon Ax: Writer's Storm

  7. I'm with David King. We've found alternatives for the phrase. Shut your trap. Stow it. Hush your mouth up.
    Deb@ http://debioneille.blogspot.com

  8. How about something that starts out mild and ends angrily? "Please be quiet... or I'll rip your freaking head off!"

  9. I never say that to my kids and really to anybody .

    1. And really sometimes Im tempted to say that to these kids are jumping and shoting all the times lol

  10. On an episode of Happy Days, Fonzie and Richie were arguing and Richie yelled "Fonz, shut up!" Fonzie, of course, was taken aback, and replied with "Fonz, shut up? Fonz, shut up? Why not just say Fonz, please remove all your teeth?" For some odd reason, this scene is always what immediately pops to mind when someone says shut up. Just thought you would like to know a little something of what goes on in my head.

    See ya 'round the web. All Things Kevyn.

  11. I only say it if I totally lose my temper, therefore for me, it still has pretty dire associations. My husband knows how to use it with me, however, in a playful way. Him I allow to get away with it...sometimes. LOL

  12. I know I'm chiming in later here, but I think it's all in HOW you say it. You can say it in a "enough already" way, or in a very rude way. Not fond of my kids using it either.....although we sometimes use it on the dog. :)


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