Fox here, letting you all know that Skip Simpson -- my creative partner
-- and I have just posted an illustrated parody of Edgar Allan Poe's
"The Tell-Tale Heart" on Amazon Kindle.
order to get on Kindle's Recommended List, we need to have a lot of
"hits" on our story. In order to help that process along, Skip and I
have decided to offer "The Tell-Tale Timex" FOR FREE on Friday,
February 27th, Saturday, February 28th, and Sunday, March 1st. I wanted
to blog about it first so all followers of this blog will have a chance
to check it out at no cost.
All you have to do is click here to
take advantage of this freebie! Well, starting Friday, that is! Anyone
who clicks on it starting Monday will have to pay, which will put a few
pennies in our pockets, true, but I'm actually hoping all our readers
take advantage of this free offer... and while I'm at it, PLEASE
convince as many people that you can to give it a try? We would
appreciate this SO much!
Also... All of my readers who have experience with Amazon Kindle are hereby invited to email me with your personal experiences, observations, difficulties, etc. You can send those emails to davidzrantz [at] gmail [dot] com.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for your time.