Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Z is For...

This month I've participated in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement.

Today's letter is Z.

Z stands for ZOT!

To really appreciate the power of a good "zot," one must see it in action. Therefore... 

There! I got through the whole month!!!

Thanks for your time!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Y is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement.

Today's letter is Y.

Y stands for YELL.

Angry? Sure you are. Give into it. YELL. 
Thanks for your time.

Monday, April 28, 2014

X is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement.

Today's letter is X.

X stands for XANTHIPPE.

A xanthippe is an "ill-tempered woman."

(The original Xanthippe was Socrates' wife.)

Hey, even the spell-checker didn't know that one!

What, do you have a better one?

Thanks for your time.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

W is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is W.

W stands for WRATH...

...and who better to illustrate that than Ricardo Montalban as "Khan Noonien Singh" in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Only thing is, ol' Khan doesn't look too wrathful here, or in any of the other photos I found on the internet.

How about this for wrathful?

Heh. Much better!

Thanks for your time.

Friday, April 25, 2014

V is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is V.

V stands for VIRULENT.

The definition is "Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful." I think that fits snugly into this month's A-Z Challenge theme, don't you?

Thanks for your time. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

U is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is U.

U is for... UNENDURABLE.

I'll bet I fooled you by using the above photo of an uppercut, huh? Nahhh, I wouldn't use "uppercut." Too close to my P letter, "punch."

Someone who's really irking you to the point where he's unendurable is risking a punch, uppercut or not, don't you think?

Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

T is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is T.

T stands for TOAD.

I don't know about you, but anyone that ticks me off  seems inordinately ugly! And what animal is uglier than a toad? Not many, certainly. So regardless of my intended target's real appearance, I might just call him or her a toad if I think it's warranted!
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

S is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

 Today's letter is S.

 S is for SHUT UP!

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed that the phrase "shut up" is being taken far too seriously nowadays? I mean, sure, it's rude, but come on! Lighten up!
(Click here if you want to see a really long piece about those two words, from my old David'Z RantZ blog!) 
Thanks for your time.

Monday, April 21, 2014

R is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is R.

R stands for RAGE...

(Hey, I had to throw a comic book reference or two in here somewhere, didn't I?)

Rage! When you're angry enough to smash  things! When you're angry enough to crush everyone in your path! When you're angry enough to... to... to dump the shavings from your girlfriend's Ped Egg into someone's breakfast cereal!!!

Thanks for your time.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Q is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is Q.

Q stands for "QUIT IT! "

And unfortunately, you have to see the appropriate episode of The Simpsons to understand this fully, so let's just say that Lisa and Maggie are annoying Bart, and leave it at that!
Thanks for your time.

Friday, April 18, 2014

P is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is P.

P stands for PUNCH
Extreme, uncontrolled anger often results in a punch... and that's not the kind you drink!
(Although the unfortunate recipient of the punch that's illustrated above maybe be "drinking" a little bit of his own blood...)
Thanks for your time.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

O is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.


Today's letter is O.

O stands for OBNOXIOUS
The hardest thing about many of these A-Z Challenge entries is finding an appropriate illustration for the word of the day.
How'd I do today?
Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

N is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is N.
N is for NIMROD.
Another insult, one that's rather loosely defined. So let's go right to the dictionary (Merriam-Webster, if you must know.) and see what they define it as.
“Originally from the Biblical Nimrod, a mighty hunter, it has come to mean socially inadequate.”
There, now. Don't you feel better knowing that?
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

M is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays.

Today's letter is M.
M is for... MURDER!

This one's a no-brainer. If you realllllly lose control of your anger, you're capable of killing someone!

Thanks for your time.

Monday, April 14, 2014

L is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is L.

L is for LOSER, another insult!

Hm. Short, sweet, and to the point. Not really much to add, there.

But don't kid yourself. This only seems like it's getting easier. Wait until the end of the month!

Thanks for your time.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

K is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

 Something a little more laid back here today, somewhat in line with my G entry, GEDDADDAHEAH.
Today's letter is K.
When mildly upset rather than angry, I often complain. Constantly. And in Yiddish, that would be KVETCH. And I would become a KVETCH as well. It's a verb! It's a noun! Fun for the entire family!
Thanks for your time.

Friday, April 11, 2014

J is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is J.

Yesterday's letter was I, which stood for INSULT. Today's word is an insult.

J stands for JERK!

'Nuff said.

Thanks for your time.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

I is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is I.
(Would I be cheating if I said that I stands for “I am the one who's so bleeping angry this month?” Yeah, I guess I would be...)
So, since yesterday I called some undetermined someone or something a hellspawn, why don't we just say that I is for INSULT?
That's fairly straightforward, innit? Something gets you upset, and you insult it. I guess it's kinda related to my D entry from a few days ago!

Thanks for your time.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

H is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is H.

Let's get really stoked here and say that H is for HELLSPAWN!

Yep, much worse than our E entry, EVIL. You would only call someone or something a word as dramatic as “hellspawn” if... well...

Come on, now. When was the last time you used the word?
Thanks for your time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is G...

And cuz I'm already getting a little punchy writing these little alpha-bits...

G stands for “GEDDADDAHEAH!” (Spelling may vary!)

Pure and simple: If something or someone is mildly upsetting you, banish it, him, or her from your sight before you really get angry!

Thanks for your time.

Monday, April 7, 2014

F is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

 Today's letter is F.

Ohhh, I'm so tempted to... Never mind.

I wanted to think of something a little different, so I'm going with FLAME.

Flame, as I'm sure you know, is a slang term meaning a really angry email, blog comment, blog post, etc. (And it's often written in all upper case letters – LIKE THIS – which, as you also know, is the internet's version of yelling.) Why a flame? All bouts of anger are not resolved with physical violence, thankfully. Some are best handled – well, maybe not best handled, but handledwith words.

Thanks for your time.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

E is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!


Today's letter is E.

E stands for EVIL.

Yep. Evil. Evil. Just plain bad! Bad stuff sure makes me get angry! 'Nuff said?

Thanks for your time.

Friday, April 4, 2014

D is For...

This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge. (For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only Sundays. Let's see how I do!

Today's letter is D.
D stands for DERIDE.

I don't know about you, but when something has ticked me off, or is ticking me off, I tend to insult that something. And, as I'm sure you fellow babies know – cuz my readers are so smart – “deride” is another word for insult, usually one that's mocking in tone. Therefore, any variation of that word is fair game for inclusion here!
Thanks for your time.
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