This month I'm participating in the A-Z Challenge.
(For more information, click here.) My theme is Anger
MISmanagement. I'll be posting almost every day in April, skipping only
Sundays. Let's see how I do!
Today's letter is F.
Ohhh, I'm so tempted to... Never mind.
I wanted to think of something a little different, so
I'm going with FLAME.
Flame, as I'm sure you know, is a slang term meaning a
really angry email, blog comment, blog post, etc. (And it's often written in all upper case letters – LIKE THIS – which,
as you also know, is the internet's version of yelling.) Why a flame? All bouts of anger are not resolved with physical violence, thankfully. Some are best handled – well,
maybe not best handled, but handled – with words.
Thanks for your time.