Saturday, October 17, 2009

George Tuska, 1916-2009, R.I.P.

As usual, there's not much time for me to write, but I couldn't let the passing of long-time comic -- comic book and comic strip, that is -- artist George Tuska go without notice. The guy had started in the early days, working in Will Eisner's studio, and... well, if you want a better bio than what I have time to churn out here, go to this entry.

Thanks for your time.


  1. sad. i grew up a pretty big comic fan.

  2. So sorry! What a comic book talent!

    Hey...are you still wearing that cape? ;)

  3. Betsy: The person who used it as a blanket the other night seems to have taken it with her when she left, perhaps as a souvenir? So... *ahem*... if you see "her," please bring... I mean, please tell her to bring it back?

    However, I do have a couple of spares, in case anyone wants a... ummm... performance...


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