Tuesday, April 23, 2019

A Place Holder of Sorts...

I suppose you could say that the main reason I'm posting this is so you don't have to keep looking at a corpse's feet.

I've been busy doing several things, and admittedly one of those things is that I've been playing a lot on Facebook. It's quite a "time-suck," which is close to -- but not necessarily the same thing as -- a time-waster. I'm having fun there, and I must admit I haven't been having a hell of a lot of fun on this blog lately.

More to come on that, hopefully soon.

I will take this opportunity to apologize to those of you whose blogs I haven't visited and/or commented on lately. I'll make my rounds in the very near future. No, really.

What else have I been working on, you may wonder? About ten years ago, I finished a book called My Island, a memoir. Now, after changing all the names and a few minor details, I'm now calling it a "roman a clef." More on that later, and again, "hopefully soon."

That's all for now. Sorry I wasn't more entertaining.

Thanks for your time.


  1. Having fun is the main thing no matter what you do. Screw everything else as nothing in social media is really life altering important when it comes right down to it. The moment it becomes work, time to step back. Although a time suck isn't great either when one has their time sucked away by crummy 9-5.

    1. Well, luckily, I'm retired, so as long as the library's open...

  2. You're always entertaining to me. I started spending too much time on Facebook. I need to cut back.


  3. It's all too easy to get lost on social media. Can't say I blame you. But it's good to know you'll be back eventually! Enjoy your off time.

  4. I’ve missed you and your posts. I am not on Facebook so I cannot relate to its allure. I guess, if you are having fun that is the important thing. Life is short, have fun and take comfort where you can.

    I work so, I don’t have a lot of time for social media and to be honest I have been hurt by some of its pitfalls.

    I’d rather have a real hug instead of an electronic ((hug)) how does that feel? Or like wth is that?

    Anyway, i’m still up for a drink sometime. The first one is on me.

    Enjoy life Silver ....even if it means Facebook...

    1. Real hugs are fine. Preferable, even. Real drinks, too.

      My "public" email address is davidzrantz@gmail.com, True. If you send me an email, the reply will come from my "real" email address.

    2. An electronic hug... Why does that conjure up images of the electric chair... So, yes, a real hug, please.

  5. Glad you've found something to fill in the time that you enjoy. :)

    1. There's an immediacy to Facebook that the blogs don't necessarily have. Plus, it's a lot less work!

  6. No worries. We'll keep your place warm and well lit.
    FB is a terrible time-suck; I'm another victim of that madness.
    Be well, Silver.

    1. I'm spending a lot of time there but it's been fun. When I was on it ten years ago I used to have to wade through "status updates" like "I just brushed my teeth." WTF?!?

  7. First time visitor! Hi! I understand about Facebook being a "time suck" and because of that and a few other reasons I just recently deactivated my main accounts on Facebook. I decided to concentrate on my blog that I've neglected. I can't completely blame Facebook for that. It's more I was working through depression and anxiety due to health issues that kept me from writing. Finally, I said "to hell with that" and decided Mildred's voice was more important than posting cute, witty memes on Facebook.

    1. Oops!Forgot to sign up for follow up comments!

    2. Hi. Thanks for stopping by, Mildred. What brought you here? My posts are usually much more interesting than this one, I swear. (Well, I like to think they are.) Hope to see you again.

    3. Very entertaining Blogger profile by the way, Mildred!

    4. TSF, thanks for the compliment and thanks for visiting my blog. I'll be back and now, that I no longer subscribe to Facebook, I have a little more time to explore the blogosphere.

    5. I just became a follower of your blog. I guess I didn't scroll down far enough the first time I was here.

    6. Maybe I should raise the follower widget a tad on my sidebar!

  8. You are right blogs are boring than FB. However I like blogging and reading blogs.

    1. Another new reader? Welcome. I hope I never lose interest in blogging. Facebook serves a very different function.


I strongly urge you to sign up for follow-up comments, because I (usually) reply to your comment! Comments left for me more than three weeks after a post is published will not appear until I approve them, but they will be answered eventually!

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