Thursday, April 28, 2016

X: Uhhh...

Here's my latest entry in this year's A-Z Blogging Challenge. My oh-so-specific theme: Golden Age Comic Book Characters with the Same Name As Modern-Day Characters.

Today's letter is the letter "X." Only thing is -- and this ought to shock the crap out of you in an era where The X-Men and its 47 spin-offs are all over the modern comics landscape -- there was only one hero in the Golden Age of Comics (that I can find, anyway) whose "name" began with an X: X-9, better known as Secret Agent X-9. Secret Agent X-9 was a comic strip character who crossed into comic books and movies, but the name X-9 certainly was not given to any other characters. Ever.

As far as villains? All I could find were Xanuklhara (a Blackhawk enemy), Xnon (a Spectre foe), and Xog (who fought Captain Midnight)! And none of those names ever surfaced again, to my knowledge.

So, fellow babies, as far as what my extensive research shows, there IS no X in this series! So sorry...

But thanks for your time.


  1. Well it's hardly surprising, so you're forgiven. I had to resort to Latin to find an animal I've seen in the wild beginning with X.

    Susan A Eames from
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

    1. Not an easy letter for most of us with themes, I would think.

  2. X-men is the only thing that pops in for X for me. Technically they've changed a bit from here to there.

    1. Well, there's X-Force, X-Factor, and they had a book called X-Man, but they're all in the Modern Era. No Golden Agers.

  3. Sounds like someone needs to come up with a good X named hero/heroine.

    1. There are some now, just noty in the Golden Age... which messes with my theme.

  4. I'm really glad I named one of my horses Xena!!! I like the sound of Xog, though.

    Meet My Imaginary Friends

    1. My stumbling block was deciding that there had to be Golden Age and Modern Age versions of the name.

  5. Hey, you stayed true to your theme which is admirable. My Stetson's off to you. :-)

  6. No need to make x-cuses! Sounds like you've done your homework and researched everything that you could. What an unusual theme - I've enjoyed your posts. So glad I found your blog through the A to Z Challenge. We're almost there!

    1. Yep, it's been a long month, it seems. Thanks for noticing the amount of work that's gone into these.

  7. Well, you stuck to your guns more power to you! I like your graphic too, sums it up succinctly.

    Two more to go, and they are going to be a bit easier...not much, but still. X and Q, they give me panic attacks.

  8. well, despite not finding another verision of them, you came up with quite a few one time characters.

    1. I was hoping they would help to cover up my "failure." Ha.

  9. You're right I am shocked in the X-Men era that there was not counterpart in the golden age.

    Weekends in Maine

    1. In comics, X just wasn't a popular letter... then.

  10. Sometimes one has to be creative and I believe you were. I liked the post

  11. Hope you enjoy the journey. Thanks for visiting!


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