Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Nothing to Sneeze At (Originally Posted on April 14, 2010)

Sorry, NO "Comical Wednesday" entry this week, for various reasons. Instead, I'm recycling an old post from 2010.

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My Blogger-blogger friend Betsy -- the one who "immortalized" me in the acrostic printed below my blog posts -- writes a blog called My Five Men. (And if you're unfamiliar with it, don't be thrown off by the blog's title. It's not what you're thinking! She's a lady!) In a recent post, she included the following quote from the Guinness Book of World Records, on the subject of sneezing:

"The longest recorded sneezing fit is that of Donna Griffiths (UK). She began sneezing on January 13, 1981 and sneezed an estimated one million times in the first 365 days. Her first sneeze-free day came 978 days later on September 16, 1983."

Hm. I wonder. That entry -- Guinness's, not Betsy's quoting of same -- is a bit suspect. I've always heard that the Guinness people do everything possible to authenticate their entries. How the hell did they manage this one?

"Hi, is this the 'Guinness' bunch? Well, this is The Silver Fox."

"Not The Silver Fox?!? Oh, my! What an honor! All of us here at Guinness love your blog!"

"Thanks, I get that a lot. Anyway, I've been sneezing for 982 days in a row, and haven't stopped yet! I think my name should replace Donna Griffiths' name in your book."

"Oh, dear. We're so sorry, Mr. Fox, but we can't just take anyone's word on that... Even yours, I'm afraid. We have to verify everything!"

"Crap. Okay, good-bye."

So, how did Ms. Griffiths do it?

"Hi, Guinness? This is Donna Griffiths."

"Never heard of you."

"Of course not, silly! This is 1981, and blogging hasn't even been invented yet."

"What hasn't been invented yet? Plogging? Blarging? Speak up, will you?"

"Never mind! Anyway, I've been sneezing all blasted morning, and something tells me this could last for years! I think I could qualify as a candidate for sneezing champion -- or whatever you'd list me as -- in your book, whenever this spell finally ends."

"You may be right, Ms. Griffin!"


"Whatever. Well, look, we can't count your sneezes up until now, of course, but we're going to send a man... or a woman, if you prefer, depending on your home situation, whether you're married, single, and all that..."

"Of course."

"He or she will stay with you and document the number of your sneezes and the duration of this bout of sneezing, until you have a completely sneeze-free day."

"Wonderful! So, I should set an extra place for dinner, then?"

"Yes, of course. And... Do you have a spare room?"

"No, but I have a very comfortable couch."

"Well, that's a start. And do you allow smoking in your home, in case our representative is a smoker?"

"Sure. This is 1981. Who doesn't smoke?"

"Excellent. Would you mind holding while I get a secretary to iron out the finer details, and get your address, and so on?"

"Of course not. And thank you so much."

Update: It has been rumored that Donna Griffiths married the Guinness representative in 1986 (or maybe 1987), but since I wasn't able to authenticate that last bit, let's just pretend I didn't write it.

Thanks for your time. And thanks for the inspiration, Betsy!


  1. Replies
    1. I'm fine, thanks. Just a lot going on lately.

      (And by the way, Blogger has not fixed their comment glitch.)

    2. I drove through Worcester last week. It made me think of you!

    3. Yep, I'm three towns away, about twenty minutes to drive to it.

    4. Well you must be closer to the CT line. I may be going to the coast this weekend, the ocean is calling me.

      Did you hear about that whale off of NH?

      Ps i don’t want to think about sneezing..allergies season is kicking in.

    5. I'm in Webster, which is right on the state line.

      No! Didn't hear about the whale! Gonna do a search for more info, thanks.

    6. Silver - Did you receive an email from Blogger regarding comment notifications? I received one a couple of days ago. I was wondering if it was legit?

    7. I received that email. Two of them, actually: one that asked about current notifications and one that asked about comments that awaited approval (the ones that are on a post more than two weeks old). I assumed it was legit and hit "okay" for both of them, hoping it fixed the issues. I don't think so, though, since my blog post from yesterday didn't notify me of comments until I looked for one and answered it with the "notify me" box checked.

    8. I received emails for my two "inactive" blogs, True, plus this one. And I agree with Lynda about the comment notification still being messed up.

  2. OH, so, so true! How do they know!? How would anyone know, actually. You would have to mark the calendar on your first sneeze...and who does that? Fun memories....they're all fun. :)

    1. Well, they swear they authenticate everything. Not sure how they do in a case like this.

  3. Now there is a job. Go to someone's house and count the number of sneezes for a few years. Not only the whole how in the heck do they authenticate that thing, but who in the heck wants some of these dumb records? Do they slap the title on a piece of duct tape and stick it to their forehead?

    1. Never thought of that, what kind of job it must be to authenticate all this weird crap.

  4. What an odd and irritating record to hold. Nobody would want to be around you, no matter how many times you told them you weren't contagious.


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