Thursday, December 18, 2014

A Bad, Bad Idea

I love coffee.

I like potato chips.

Recently, someone gave me a bag of the Cappuccino-flavored potato chips shown above. (I never would have bought a bag!)

I made the mistake of trying them, skeptical though I was.

Never again!

They're vile, fellow babies, vile!!!

As today's post title says, this was a bad, bad idea.

Shame on you, Lay's.

Thanks for your time. 


  1. What poses them to make such nonsense? Stick to what they know.

    1. No cappuccino-flavored Pringles cans at Bush #5, then?

  2. I probably, no surely would have to try it but I'm betting it' d be a no go for me!

  3. We tried another kind and it was so gross, even the smell was bad. This reminded me back in the 70's when they came out with fruit flavoured chips (blueberry, raspberry)...that tanked too. I don't notice Martin Short hawking these awful chips any more

  4. Alas, the pressure finally got to them. It was a valiant effort, but the burden of making sure that we could not only eat just one of their chips just plain became too great to bear any longer. Oh how I miss Kitty Clover chips.

    Hey, what going on with your sister? She hasn't spread any dirt since Thanksgiving!

    1. Kathy hasn't been feeling well at all. She's hardly even gone near her computer.

  5. i saw these the other day....
    it is stomach turning...
    and i love coffee....but...ugh

    1. Well.I love coffe and cappucino....but not with potatoes chips!

    2. Coffee... good. Coffee chips... bad.

  6. Lol. I have seen them in the store but never tried them. Thanks for the warning :)

  7. I haven't eaten chips in quite some time. I promise I will not try those.


  8. Lays had a contest to come up with a new interesting flavor. I think the prize was huge...maybe a million dollars! The winner was Macaroni and Cheese with Bacon. I HAD to try them. They were disgusting! They tasted like some odd mix of chemicals. The coffee flavor sounds even worse!

  9. Actually, the mac & cheese with bacon doesn't sound bad. Too bad it was! The coffee-flavored chips were horrible.

  10. I love coffee and I enjoy potato chips . . . but not *this* much! Will not be trying it, it does look gross!

    1. Even a coffee addict like yourself wouldn't like these!


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