Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby! ~~ A "Comical Wednesday" Post

Jack Kirby, one of comic books' true gods, would have been 96 years old today, if he hadn't left us back in 1994. But the amazing artwork the man gave us will be ours forever.

I'm going to shut up in a minute and just throw a random sampling of stuff at you, fellow babies... "Stuff" from the King. "Stuff" that shows the power in the man's work. And forgive me if I've left out some -- or all -- of your favorite characters! The man created, co-created, and/or illustrated thousands!

Thanks for your time!


  1. There is something about the layout of the various illustrations that seems to draw you in.

  2. dude...kirby is amazing...i love the way he presents...he def has a distinct style that is easy to identify when you see it....

  3. I would have been 130 in 2089. Lord, let me go before then. I don't want to set any records.


    1. Uhhh... What else do you like about Jack Kirby? Ha.

  4. So here we have the really Avengers !

    I remember well these comics!I love the last draw!!

    1. Yeah, I love the earlier Avengers issues, myself. The first 20-25.

  5. Great stuff here! I love Kirby's work. His Krackle, and everything that comes with it. Miracle Man is one of my faves. Oh, and that Thing panel at the beginning of the post, is one of my all-time fave Kirby's.

    I'll be seeing you in the A to Z Challenge. Check me out: All Things Kevyn.

  6. Thanks for stopping by. Love that you checked out something that wasn't in the A-Z Challenge. Thanks!


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